Empowering Girls, Transforming lives.

Through Gender Sensitization, we restore the happiness and dignity of dropout and school-going girls in Kakuma refugee camp, Kalobeyei settlement, and host community.

Who We Are

Girl Power Action initiative (GPAi) is a non-profit women-led organization founded in October 2021 in
the Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. The organization emerged from a collective recognition of the
pressing need to address issues affecting girls and women, including GBV, SRH- R, and limited access to
education and economic opportunities. GPAi is committed to promoting equality, creativity, and
innovation within the community, empowering girls and women to overcome challenges and thrive.
GPAi operates in the Kakuma refugee camp, Kalobeyei settlement, and the surrounding host
communities. The organization is dedicated to creating a supportive environment where girls can access
accurate information about sexual and reproductive health, develop self-confidence, promote economic
sustainability, and participate in decision-making processes. By fostering a culture of respect and
inclusivity, GPAi aims to dismantle harmful stereotypes and promote gender equality.

Our Impacts

School Reached
To be Reached
0 +

Our Core programs

  • SRH-R program
  • Livelihood program (tailoring)
  • Pads for Happiness program
  • Mentorship Program
  • Peacebuilding
  • Digital empowerment program

Let's work Together

Our mission is not a one-man show. We require your assistance. It is impossible to help people unless we collaborate with people like you. We are always seeking individuals who enjoy helping others.

About us:

Girl Power Action Initiative (GPAI) is a non-profit women-led organization founded in October 2021 in
the Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya. The organization emerged from a collective recognition of the pressing need to address issues affecting girls and women, including GBV, SRH- R, and limited access to education and economic opportunities. GPAI is committed to promoting equality, creativity, and innovation within the community, empowering girls and women to overcome challenges and thrive.

Follow us:

Contact us:

Address: Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kakuma Kenya

Email: info@girlpowerinitiative.com

Tel: +254 740 742096